January 26th Update News

We’ve got some new Balance Changes rolling in!



Weaker: Bull, Darryl, Piper, El Primo

Stronger: Poco

Bull – Both Bull and Darryl have too much mobility with their faster speeds and Supers

  • Decreased health from 5200 → 5000
  • Increased bullet hits needed to charge super from 8 → 10

Darryl – Both Bull and Darryl have too much mobility with their faster speeds and Supers

  • Increased bullet hits needed to charge super from 10 → 13

El Primo

  • Decreased health from 6000 → 5800

Piper – She’s very popular in Bounty, but less so in other modes. These changes decrease her burst potential but increase her overall damage output. This should make her more viable across game modes.

  • Decreased reload time from 3.0 → 2.5s
  • Decreased damage from 1680 → 1480

Poco – His short attack range and lower health makes him tricky to play effectively. Increasing his health should make him less squishy.

  • Increased health from 3200 → 3800


Reverted last week’s map changes. Maps shouldn’t favor tanky characters as much now.

In a short while we’ll have a maintenance to implement these changes.

original link of balance changes

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